Hypoallergenic Wedding Rings and Bands
Is there such a thing as an allergy-safe wedding ring? If this question doesn't surprise you, you're probably in the market for hypoallergenic wedding rings.
Many people who suffer from metal allergies want to wear wedding rings or wedding bands but think they can't because they are allergic to some metals. Don't lose hope yet — at Jeweler's Touch, we carry a selection of allergic reaction-free wedding rings for our Southern California clients. Before we discuss solutions, let's delve into the problem.
Understanding Hypoallergenic Materials
Generally, an allergy is an immune system responding to a foreign material. Bee venom, pet dander, and pollen are well-known allergens. But metals can also cause allergies.
In most metal-allergy cases, the immune response happens on the skin rather than internally. Common immune responses to metal allergies include:
- Skin dermatitis — also known as contact dermatitis, characterized by itching and redness
- Eczematous dermatitis — an often chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation, redness, and irritation
- Erythema multiforme — characterized by papular, bullous, and even necrotic lesions
- Papular — presents as solid, raised, less than one centimeter, with distinct borders
- Bullous — presents as fluid-filled blisters
- Necrotic lesions — dead tissue resulting from infection at the wound site
Common Metal Allergies
Many metals, like copper and cobalt, are naturally occurring in our bodies, but the form they take is not the same as when we use the metal in wedding rings and jewelry.
The most common allergy-causing metals include:
This list is not exclusive. People can have reactions to other metals and not all metals labeled as hypoallergenic are suitable for everyone. Stainless steel, for example, contains 12 percent nickel. Sterling silver contains 7.5 percent copper, and even 18K gold can contain up to 25 percent unknown metals. Depending on the severity of your allergy, even wedding rings made from these sensitive-skin-friendly materials can cause a reaction.
Sometimes the reaction is caused or exacerbated by bacteria or a buildup of soap or lotions under the ring. The symptoms usually clear up within a few weeks when you remove the ring.
Nickel And Cobalt, Allergies And Reactions
You may have seen nickel-free wedding rings and wondered what's so bad about nickel. If you're in the market for non-irritant wedding bands, avoiding nickel should be at the top of your list — it’s one of the top irritating metals.
If you have a nickel allergy, prolonged exposure to anything containing nickel, such as jewelry, coins, zippers, eyeglass frames, and cellphones, can cause an allergic reaction. Reactions to cobalt often coexist with individuals with a nickel allergy, perhaps because they are used together in metal manufacturing. Unless you are otherwise informed, assume nickel is in any cobalt wedding rings.
Hypoallergenic Rings
The solution is to choose a ring or band with a different metal composition. Some alternative materials besides traditional metals that are hypoallergenic for wedding rings are:
- Platinum: A precious metal that is harder and more durable than gold. Wedding bands made of .950-grade platinum contain iridium, ruthenium, and palladium as well, which are usually non-allergenic.
- Cobalt/Cobalt Chrome: A strong, malleable biocompatible alloy that’s harder than platinum and other precious metals. It is often used in dental and joint implants. It consists of non-irritants and will not cause an allergic reaction or irritation.
- Tungsten Carbide: Often used in men’s and women’s wedding band sets, it consists of two metals forged together. It is strong and scratch-resistant; tungsten carbide rings are also four times harder than titanium rings.
- Titanium: Is safe for people who are prone to allergic contact dermatitis, although it’s not as strong as other metals. It retains its silver color, does not rust or corrode, and is easily cleaned with soap and water.
- Ceramic: Ceramic jewelry is strong, heat-resistant, and doesn’t cost as much as other metals. It is a biocompatible material that is lightweight, scratch-resistant, and hypoallergenic. It’s also one of the most popular black materials.
Benefits of Hypoallergenic Wedding Rings
The good news is when it comes to sensitive skin-friendly wedding rings, you don't have to sacrifice quality or design. Our hypoallergenic rings are designed with comfort in mind, and you can wear them for extended periods. Our skin-sensitive rings are also durable. Many are scratch-resistant, easy to clean, and will last a lifetime.
Are These Rings Removable?
There’s often a concern that titanium or tungsten carbide engagement rings aren’t removable. However, doctors can remove them. Platinum requires a high-speed steel blade to remove. A stronger, higher-quality ring will be more difficult to remove than softer metals. It all depends on the ring materials. Consult with your jeweler about the materials and design of the one you have or plan to wear and safe ring removal.
Tips for Choosing Hypoallergenic Rings
Consider the following when looking for hypoallergenic metal wedding bands or rings:
Is it a confirmed or suspected allergy?
It may not be possible, especially if the ring is a surprise, but try to confirm the metal allergy. Be as specific as possible to help broaden your choices. There's no need to rule out copper alloys if the allergy is to nickel.
You can determine if you have a metal allergy by having an allergy test.
Design and Setting
Not all hypoallergenic ring materials lend themselves to ornate designs and stone settings.
Active people who regularly sweat or spend a lot of time in the water should inform their jeweler. As we discussed earlier, some designs are easier to remove than others, and some metals are less reactive.
Care and Maintenance
When cleaning jewelry, try not to overthink it. A soft brush is often all you need to clean out dirt and dust from the setting. For silver jewelry, use a silver polishing cloth. You don’t always need a silver cleaning solution unless the piece is heavily tarnished or prone to tarnishing. Minor tarnishing can be removed using a cloth soaked with warm water and a few drops of dish soap.
Be careful with cleaners that contain ammonia. It can damage metals and softer gemstones. Ultrasonic cleaners should be avoided unless the gemstone can tolerate the vibration.
Affordability and Pricing
If you are looking for payment options, Jeweler's Touch can offer a very creative selection tailored to fit your budget, including a 90-day free layaway plan and competitive financing options. You can even apply online.
We also gladly accept personal checks, Mastercard, Discover, Visa and American Express
Real Customer Experiences
Jeweler’s Touch offers real customer experiences across the greater Brea and Whittier areas. We are family-owned and provide custom-designed jewelry, engagement rings, wedding bands, fine jewelry, and timepieces.
Find Your Perfect Hypoallergenic Wedding Band
Jeweler’s Touch specializes in traditional and non-traditional wedding bands and rings. We offer custom design services using 3D CAD technology and can include various types of gemstones, non-conductive materials, durable coatings, and hypoallergenic metals. Feel free to browse our catalog of cobalt, ceramic, platinum, and titanium rings online.
For more information and to inquire about allergy-free ring and band options, contact us online or call us at (714) 266-1395.
- Tags: All Wedding Rings Diamond Bands