It was fate you found each other. Show her she's the light and fire of your soul with Kismet 90. It's like nothing you've seen before.
The 90 facets versus the traditional 58 facets of a round brilliant diamond maximize brilliance, fire and sparkle. The play of light in this diamond makes it beautiful. It is a collection of prisms and mirrors and the alignment of these is what makes the Kismet 90 more beautiful and extraordinary.
The light entering from any direction is completely reflected throughout the top (Brilliance). It's dispersed into a display of sparkling flashes (Scintillation) and rainbow colors (Fire). Inside the diamond, the facets act as mirrors, creating maximum Brilliance balanced by Fire and accented by Scintillation. That is the secret to the dazzle of destiny.
Every Kismet 90 diamond has high standards of proportion, polish and symmetry which delivers a bigger, brighter and brilliant appearance.
The Kismet 90 diamond is incomparable to ordinary round diamonds in the same price range. You have to see this extraordinary diamond for yourself, but the only place you'll find a true Kismet 90 is at Jeweler's Touch.