Jeweler's Touch

Admin / Merchandising
What year did you get started in the jewelry industry?1976
What year did you get started in the jewelry industry?2005
Credentials EarnedAGS Certified Sales Associate (CSA)
Additional Trade CoursesDeBeers Diamond Foundations Course
Do you specialize in a particular area? If so, please tell us about your specialty.I specialize in estate jewelry and displaying merchandise here at Jeweler's Touch.
How did you get started in the jewelry industry?I started at La Rosse Jewelers on Main St in Yorba Linda after school and on weekends in 1976. I continued in the industry by working my way into higher-end independent jewelers.
What do you love most about working in the jewelry industry?I love helping people find the perfect piece of jewelry.
Tell us a fun fact about you or Jeweler's Touch.I like that Jeweler's Touch has hired a lot of the "kids" of their employees. It's a nice way for young people to learn a trade, or just get valuable work experience.